The meeting will be held at Poiana Brasov, between 16th and 18th of September and we expect anyone interested in Fauna and Flora Program.
Accomodation will be at The Caraiman Hotel and is considered to begin on 16th of September at noon (12 Hrs, LT) and ends on 18th of September, same hour.
The YOFF Meeting program is as follows:
Friday, September 16th
- Arrival of participants and accommodation
- Working Dinner – Presentation of personal activations
- The draw of the locations for YOFF Activation (on Saturday)
Saturday September 17th
- Deployment in the YOFF area
- YOFF Activation
- Return to the hotel
- Working Dinner
Sunday, September 18th
-Brasov Sightseeing Tour
The cost per bed/night is 40 lei for YO hams or 15 EURs for foreign participants.
Dinner is 35 lei /10 EURs.
Total payment for the full accomodation will be 150 lei/50 EURs/person.
Those who will want to activate from YOFF areas are welcome to bring their equipments.
Payment may be made:
= By money order to:
Tritoiu Victor Cristian Blvd Grivitei, no. 47, bl 32, sc. B, ap 38, 500177 Brasov - BV
= Direct payment in cash to pay desks from agencies on behalf of CEC [b] RO84CECEBV0708RON0795679 [/ b] (the deposit is free of charge!)
= Participants from abroad are kindly asked to prior contact Victor, YO6MP
IN ALL CASES, please specify on money order:
- YOFF (for knowing the destination of money)
- call sign,
- name,
- number of people participating.WARNING! to benefit from these prices and not hotel prices, I recommend anyone who wants to participate to announce and send money until September 12, 2011
For any inquiries please contact Victor at: YO6MP[at]yahoo.com (Replace what is to be replaced…)
In perioada 16-18 septembrie 2011 in Poiana Brasov va avea loc o intalnire a celor interesati de programul YOFF. Pot participa radioamatori de pretutindeni. Cazarea va fi la Hotel Caraiman.
Intalnirea este batuta in cuie pentru perioada 16 pranz/17/18 pana la pranz septembrie 2011 !!!! Cazarea se considera ca incepe la ora 12.00 si se termina a doua zi la ora 12.00
Tritoiu Victor Cristian, B-dul Grivitei, nr. 47, bl. 32, sc. B, ap. 38, 500177 Brasov - BV
= particpantii din strainatate sunt rugati a lua legatura cu Victor, YO6MP
IN TOATE SITUATIILE SE SPECIFICA URMATOARELE: - YOFF (pentru cunoasterea destinatiei banilor), - indicativ de apel, - nume, prenume, - numar de persoane participante.
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