Nu uitati de cele oferite de YOFF (search diplome la cautare!)
WWFF- programul de radioamatori are placerea de a va prezenta prima serie de diplome pentru "vanatori" si "activatori".
The WorldWide Flora & Fauna in Ham Radio program has the privilege to present to our hunter and activator community our first awards.
Diplomele se pot obtine in doua categorii:
Awards can be claimed in two categories:
- VANATORI: trebuie lucrate diferite locatii WWFF de oriunde de pe glob
- HUNTERS: Work activators from different WWFF locations all over the world
Pentru aceste diplome trebuie sa aveti confirmate minim 44 locatii diferite WWFF ce se regasesc in baza de date al WWFF(WWFF LogSearch)
For this certificate you need to have confirmed a minimum of 44 different WWFF reference numbers in the WWFF global database (WWFF LogSearch).
Pentru vanatorii activi se pot obtine nivele superioare pentru fiecare 44 noi locatii pana la 444, dupa care trecerea la un nou nivel se va face din 100 in 100.
For the active chasers we offer upgrades for each 44 confirmed extra references up to 444 and upgrades of 100 after that.
De asemenea se poate obtine o diploma "de inceput" pentru numai 10 locatii diferite confirmate
We offer a special "novice" award for the first 10 references worked.
Pentru inceput diploma se acorda ca multiband, mixt.
This first available hunter award is a multi band mixed mode award.
- ACTIVATORI: se fi activat din diferite locatii WWFF
- ACTIVATORS: Activate different WWFF nature parks
Pentru aceasta diploma trebuie sa fie confirmate minim 11 locatii WWFF din lista WWFF cu minim 44 QSO-uri valide pe fiecare activare.
For this certificate you need to have confirmed a minimum of 11 different WWFF reference numbers in the WWFF global database (WWFF LogSearch), with a minimum of 44 QSOs logged per activity.
Pentru activatori se pot obtine nivele superioare pentru fiecare 11 noi locatii WWFF activate
For the active activators we offer upgrades for every 11 extra confirmed references.
In viitor va fi posibila obtinerea unor noi diplome pentru cei cu numeroase legaturi in activarile lor.
We will in the near future also make available a special award for the activators of large activities.
Diploma se elibereaza in format electronic (.pdf sau .jpg) si este gratuita.
The award certificate is available in electronic format (.pdf or .jpg) and free of charge.
Diplomele pot fi cerute prin sistemul WWFF LogSearch.
The certificate can be requested via the WWFF LogSearch
Pentru a putea accesa sistemul este necesar sa va inregistrati. Cererile se fac numai pentru indivativele proprii
To apply for the award you must first register yourself as user. Request only for own calls
Odata inregistrat se introduce indicativul propriu la "Search"
Vor apare doua ferestre in care se poate vedea rezultatul Dvs. in baza de date. Daca se indeplinesc conditiile puteti cere diploma(diplomele) dand click pe fiecare din ferestre.
"Apply for WWFF-H" (pentru vanatori) sau "Apply for WWFF-A" (pentru activatori).
Once registered, type in your call-sign and hit the search button. You will be presented with the results of your activity as hunter and / or activator. If you qualify for an award you can click on the award application button "Apply for WWFF-H" (for the hunter award) or "Apply for WWFF-A" (for the activator award).
Regulament pentru RECEPTORI
Rules for SWL
Receptorii pot cere "SWL HUNTER CERTIFICATE" incepand cu minim 44 de locatii WWFF receptionate. Este necesar ca logul sa contina ambele indicative, a statiei activatoare (numar referinta), cat si a vanatorului, si bine'nteles datele: ziua, ora,banda control.Pot obtine clasificari mai bune in aceleasi conditii ca pentru Vanatori. Diplomele vor avea numere in ordine crescatoare.
The SWL can request "SWL HUNTER
CERTIFICATE" starting with minimum 44 received WWFF location. You need to provide both the activator and the hunter for each reference you claim (as well as date, time and reference). They can
upgrade their certificate as for "hunters" This certificate will have
progressive number.
Cererile se trimit la YO3JW, Pit ca fisier .xls (A nu se folosi .xlsx!)
Request must be sent to YO3JW, Pit as .xls file only.(please NO .xlsx file!) Programul de diplome este disponibil din 1 noiembrie 2013
Award program start after 1st November 2013