Tomorrow I will start my little New Year holiday in Busteni.
Because the weather will be very bad in the following days, I will use the Mobile Communication Center on this little trip...
Therefore, the YP4FUN will be "On Air" from time to time, in "holiday style", in HF bands and in VHF & UHF.
I will use the Shoutbox on to announce the QRV and the QSY.
The callsign will be active from 27th of December 2009 till 3rd of January 2010 and will activate the YOFF-015, National Park of Bucegi Mountains.
What is YP4FUN? See here, here or here.
73 de YO3HJV
sâmbătă, 26 decembrie 2009
duminică, 20 decembrie 2009
YOFF-022 - Comana Natural Park
YP1WFF will be QRV (SSB and CW in HF bands) in "Holiday style" operation from YOFF-022 from 20 th of December till 31st of December.
QSL via YO3JW, Pit.
QSL via YO3JW, Pit.
duminică, 13 decembrie 2009
YOFF-015 "Parcul National Bucegi"
During Christmas Holiday, (24-27th of December) YP1WFF will be QRV from YOFF-015, National Park of Bucegi in HF, CW & SSB.
Output power will be around 200W with a vertical antenna.
QSL cards via YO9WF.
73&44 de YO3JW
Output power will be around 200W with a vertical antenna.
QSL cards via YO9WF.
73&44 de YO3JW
sâmbătă, 7 noiembrie 2009
YP1WFF from YOFF-024
Am ajuns marti pe o ploaie ce a tinut tot drumul. Eram pornit ca de indata ce ajung sa montez statia si sa-i dau drumul. La sosire surpriza! Lipsea 220V. Era o pana si pana spre seara am stat pe intuneric... deodata s-au aprins becurile. Am pus mana pe cele necesare si am montat la repezeala verticalul pe marginea balconului si am incercat sa vad cum merge. De la bun inceput cei interesati au tabarat pe frecventa!
A doua zi dimineata am montat un dipol tip FD4 de la un balcon, de la un etaj mai sus, pana in ograda vecina, spre sol. Asa am putut sa apar si in 80m. Per total s-au realizat peste 1000 de legaturi in ssb / cw / psk31.
Propagarea a fost tare ciudata. Mergea si brusc nu se mai putea lucra nimic.
Locatia a fost la o pensiune, "Damatis", care a avut o promotie rezonabila daca stateai cel putin 3 zile!
Imprejurimile de o frumusete deosebita chiar si asa, de toamna!
Merita de vizitat!
Sambata dimineata am plecat spre Buzau unde urma sa se desfasoare o intalnire radioamatoriceasca. Dupa aceasta m-am retras pana duminica la Naieni. Intoarcerea in Bucuresti s-a facut to pe ploaie, asa ca traseul a fost umed!!
73 Pit YO3JW
Propagarea a fost tare ciudata. Mergea si brusc nu se mai putea lucra nimic.
Locatia a fost la o pensiune, "Damatis", care a avut o promotie rezonabila daca stateai cel putin 3 zile!
Imprejurimile de o frumusete deosebita chiar si asa, de toamna!
Merita de vizitat!
Sambata dimineata am plecat spre Buzau unde urma sa se desfasoare o intalnire radioamatoriceasca. Dupa aceasta m-am retras pana duminica la Naieni. Intoarcerea in Bucuresti s-a facut to pe ploaie, asa ca traseul a fost umed!!
73 Pit YO3JW
joi, 29 octombrie 2009
marți, 20 octombrie 2009
YP1WFF din YOFF-010
În urmã cu câteva zile am fost anuntat cã urmeazã sã mergem la rude lângã Brasov, la Vulcan. Stiind cã aceastã locatie este lângã Zãrnesti mi s-au aprins "beculetele" ! Deci locatia este lângã Parcul Naþional Piatra Craiului.
Asa cã am pus pe masã propunerea de a face o vizitã la locul respectiv.
Miercuri am plecat la drum. Vreme închisã. Drumul acceptabil. La Comarnic, spre Posada apar primii fulgi din aceastã toamna.
La Sinaia ninge zdravãn si o tot tine asa pânã ajunge la Râsnov unde se transformã în ploaie! Si asa ajungem la Vulcan de Brasov.
Plãnuisem ca a doua zi sã iesim spre Parc. Nu stiu dacã rugãciunile au tinut, dar a doua zi dimineata cerul s-a limpezit astfel cã am pornit spre destinatie: Parcul National Piatra Craiului, YOFF-010. Trecem de Zãrnesti unde ca mai peste tot circulatia este deviatã din diverse motive si tot intrebând ajungem sã gãsim drumul spre Plaiul Foii. Din surse aflasem cã drumul este nasol, dar ce am gãsit a fost un drum care era numai bun pentru probe de andurantã a unui automobil! Încet, încet, am înaintat. Am gãsit panoul cu harta si instructiunile de comportare în zonã .
Dupã câtiva km gãsim un loc unde s-a putut instala statia. Din nefericire nu exista alimentare cu energie electrica de la retea astfel cã alimentarea s-a fãcut de la bateria masinii. Antena un vertical de 7m sustinut pe o unditã din fibrã de sticla, iar la bazã un balun 1:9 un-un
Statia un FT-847 urmat de un AT50 (un "pãcãlici" de antenã). La ora 08.42 primul apel. Din acel moment legãturile se înscriu în logul care este un laptop unde ruleaza programul lui Ben DL7UCX, ucxlog.
Vremea s-a mentinut frumoasã pânã a doua zi când vremea parcã a zis destul; de dimineatã a început sã ningã zdravãn!
Seara ne strângem echipamentul si ne întoarcem la Vulcan. În log peste 900 de legãturi. Sâmbãtã am mers la Naieni, de unde apoi duminicã, am plecat în YO3.
Astfel aventura din toamnã s-a încheiat. Trebuie s-ã multumesc Mariei pentru sprijin!
Asa cã am pus pe masã propunerea de a face o vizitã la locul respectiv.
Miercuri am plecat la drum. Vreme închisã. Drumul acceptabil. La Comarnic, spre Posada apar primii fulgi din aceastã toamna.
La Sinaia ninge zdravãn si o tot tine asa pânã ajunge la Râsnov unde se transformã în ploaie! Si asa ajungem la Vulcan de Brasov.
Plãnuisem ca a doua zi sã iesim spre Parc. Nu stiu dacã rugãciunile au tinut, dar a doua zi dimineata cerul s-a limpezit astfel cã am pornit spre destinatie: Parcul National Piatra Craiului, YOFF-010. Trecem de Zãrnesti unde ca mai peste tot circulatia este deviatã din diverse motive si tot intrebând ajungem sã gãsim drumul spre Plaiul Foii. Din surse aflasem cã drumul este nasol, dar ce am gãsit a fost un drum care era numai bun pentru probe de andurantã a unui automobil! Încet, încet, am înaintat. Am gãsit panoul cu harta si instructiunile de comportare în zonã .
Dupã câtiva km gãsim un loc unde s-a putut instala statia. Din nefericire nu exista alimentare cu energie electrica de la retea astfel cã alimentarea s-a fãcut de la bateria masinii. Antena un vertical de 7m sustinut pe o unditã din fibrã de sticla, iar la bazã un balun 1:9 un-un
Statia un FT-847 urmat de un AT50 (un "pãcãlici" de antenã). La ora 08.42 primul apel. Din acel moment legãturile se înscriu în logul care este un laptop unde ruleaza programul lui Ben DL7UCX, ucxlog.
Vremea s-a mentinut frumoasã pânã a doua zi când vremea parcã a zis destul; de dimineatã a început sã ningã zdravãn!
Seara ne strângem echipamentul si ne întoarcem la Vulcan. În log peste 900 de legãturi. Sâmbãtã am mers la Naieni, de unde apoi duminicã, am plecat în YO3.
Astfel aventura din toamnã s-a încheiat. Trebuie s-ã multumesc Mariei pentru sprijin!
vineri, 16 octombrie 2009
YP1WFF from YOWFF-010
YP1WFF is QRV from YOFF-010 between 15 th and 16th of October.
QSL card is via YO3JW.
QSL card is via YO3JW.
luni, 28 septembrie 2009
Permanent ham station in YOFF-014
For interested WFF awards, we inform that YO2IM QTH is inside the YOFF-014 - Portile de Fier National Park.
To apply for a YOFF award based on past QSO's, all you need is the QSL confirmation card.
YO2IM, Tica locuieste permanent in Moldova Noua care se afla pe teritoriul Parcului Natural Portile de Fier.Pentru diplomele YOFF sunt necesare confirmarile cu QSL.
miercuri, 2 septembrie 2009
sâmbătă, 22 august 2009
YP1WFF from YOFF-021 - Danube Delta
Today, 22nd of August 2009, YP1WFF will operate from Danube Delta (YOFF-021).
joi, 20 august 2009
YP1WFF from YOFF-009 - Rezervatia Naturala a Muntilor Macin
Astazi, 20.08.2009 si maine, 21.08.2009 vom fi QRV din 80m-10m din Rezervatia Naturala a Muntilor Macin, YOFF-009.
Vom lucra SSB si CW si, in masura timpului, Digimodes.
Today, 20th of August, 2009 and tommorow, 21st of August 2009, will be QRV from YOFF-009. We will work mainly on SSB, CW on HF bands from 80m to 10m, including WARC.
We kindly ask you to put us on DX cluster!
Vom lucra SSB si CW si, in masura timpului, Digimodes.
Today, 20th of August, 2009 and tommorow, 21st of August 2009, will be QRV from YOFF-009. We will work mainly on SSB, CW on HF bands from 80m to 10m, including WARC.
We kindly ask you to put us on DX cluster!
miercuri, 19 august 2009
YP1WFF from YOFF-017 - Insula Mica a Brailei
Astazi, 19.08.2009 vom fi QRV din 80m-10m din Rezervatia Naturala Insula Mica a Brailei.
Vom lucra SSB, CW si Digimodes.
Today, 19th of August, 2009, will be QRV from YOFF-017. We will work on SSB, CW and digital modes in HF bands from 80m to 10m, including WARC.
We kindly ask you to put us on DX cluster!
This is a picture (not so good quality, sorry) of a White Tailed Eagle (Haliaetus Albicilla).
Vom lucra SSB, CW si Digimodes.
Today, 19th of August, 2009, will be QRV from YOFF-017. We will work on SSB, CW and digital modes in HF bands from 80m to 10m, including WARC.
We kindly ask you to put us on DX cluster!
This is a picture (not so good quality, sorry) of a White Tailed Eagle (Haliaetus Albicilla).
joi, 13 august 2009
IM0/YO3HJV/P in La Maddalena Island IFF-004
YO FF activation
From 17th to 23rd of August, YO3HJV and YO3JW will be on a YO trip to activate as many reservation as they can.
QSL Manager: Pit, YO3JW
More info to be added later!
QSL Manager: Pit, YO3JW
More info to be added later!
sâmbătă, 8 august 2009
YOFF-001 August 2009 activation
A team of radioamateurs from Valcea county will activate under the special callsign YP1WFF from YOFF-001 (Buila - Vanturarita) from the 28th till 30th of August 2009.
Preferred frequencies for WWFF
SSB – 3.744, 7.144*, 14.244, 18.144, 21.244, 24.944, 28.444
CW – 3.544, 7.024, 10.124, 14.044, 18.084, 21.044, 24.894, 28.044
CW – 3.544, 7.024, 10.124, 14.044, 18.084, 21.044, 24.894, 28.044
The frequencies are in kHz.This frequencies are not for exclusive use of WWFF Program so, please observe general rules on each band!
*-modified after the expansion of 40 m band on Region I
*-modified after the expansion of 40 m band on Region I
joi, 6 august 2009
QSL Managers for past YP1WFF- Activation:
Below are the QSL Managers for previous YOFF activations: YP1WFF
PLEASE send one QSL for each operation. Don't use multiple QSO style card for different YOFF on same card. There is different managers!
You can check for your QSO and take down QSL in electronically form after 01.01.2011 at
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-416 in 22 December 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-503 in 21 December 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-210 in 20 December 2014 PM>>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-133 in 20 December 2014 AM >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-406 in 11-12 December 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-596 in 28, 30 September, 13-15 December 2014 >>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-503 in 31 July 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-021 in 17-20 July 2014 >>>>>gt;> YO3LW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-148 in 28 June 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-164 in 28 June 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-021 in 26-27 June 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-248 in 18 May, 04 April 2014, 03 August 2014 >>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-416 in 18 April 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-440 in 25 April 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-292 in 18 January 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-015 in 24-25, 31 December 2013, 1 January 2014 >>>>>>> YO9WF
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-139 in 17 December 2013 afternoon >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-143 in 17 December 2013 morning >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-535 in 12 December 2013 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-503 in 18 Novenber 2013 >>>>YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-248 in 09 Novenber 2013 >>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-555 in 10 October 2013 >>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-503 in 15 July 2013 >>>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-232 in 20 June 2013 >>>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-015 in 08 June 2013 >>>>>>>>> YO9WF
YP1WFF/m was QRV from YOFF-529 in 01 June 2013 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-313 in 31 May - 02 June 2013 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-133 in 20 May 2013 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-503 in 18 April 2013 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-248 in 07 March 2013 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-382 in 31 December 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-556 in 31 December 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-314 in 30,31 December 2012, 1 January 2013 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-551 in 29 December 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-485 in 19, 30 November 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-248 in 01 November 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-121 in 21 October 2012 >>>>>>> YO6CUF
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-513 in 17 October 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-248 in 25 September 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-022 in 10 August 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-248 in 3-4 August 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-416 in 14 July 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-013 in 6-8 July 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-503 in 1 July 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-015 in 9 June 2012 >>>>>> YO9WF
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-111 in 28 April 2011 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-248 in 14 April 2012 >>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-210 in 23 March 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-015 in 19 Mrach 2012 >>>>>>>> YO9WF
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-291 in 25 - 31 december 2011 via YO9WF
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-248 in 18 december 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-316 in 26 october am 2011 via YO3JWYP1WFF/P was QRV from YOFF-127 in 12 October 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-007 in 25 sepetmber 2011 via YO7KFX
YP1WFF/P was QRV from YOFF-248 in 11 September 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-313 in 18 August afternoon - 19 august 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-417 in 18 August 2011 morning via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-193 in 17 August 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-020 in 15-16 August 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-445 in 13 August 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-228 in 11 August 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-172 in 04 August 2011 via YO3JWYP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-174 afternoon 02 august 2011 via; YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-022 morning hours 02 August 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-323 morning hours 14 July 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-294 afternoon hours 14 July 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-210 9 july 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-013 1-3 July 2011 viaYO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-406 23 June 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV in Green Day 2011 from YOFF-172 in 11-12 June 2011 viaYO9WF
YP1WFF/p YOFF-440 was QRV 21-22, 29 may 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/m YOFF-240 was QRV 13-15 may 2011 via YO5GHA
YP1WFF/p YOFF-416 was QRV 6-7, 14 may 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p YOFF-133 was QRV 2, 23 may 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p YOFF-420 was QRV 29-30 April 2011 via YO7MGG
YP1WFF/m YOFF-393 was QRV 30 April-1 May 2011 via YO5GHA
YP1WFF YOFF-007 was QRV 1 May 2011 via YO7KFX
YP1WFF YOFF-338 was QRV 15-17.04.2011 ;QSL via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p YOFF-231 was QRV 09.04.2011 ;QSL via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p YOFF-320 was QRV 05.03.2011 ;QSL via YO3JW YP1WFF/p YOFF-210 was qrv 17.01,2011, 14.03.2011 QSL via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p YOFF-248 was qrv 16.01.2011, 13.02.2011, 13.03.2011, 23-24.04.2011 QSL via YO3JW
Bucegi Mountains National Wild Park YOFF-015 (25 12 2010- 02 01 2011) QSL via YO9WF
Domogled- Valea Cernei National Wild Park YOFF-008 (14 of November 2010) QSL via YO7KFX
Comana National Wild Park YOFF-022 (10 of November 2010) QSL via YO3JW
Ceahlau National Wild Park YOFF-003 (5-8-AM September 2010) QSL via YO3JW
Vanatori Neamt Natural Wild Park YOFF-018 (8-PM-11 September 2010) QSL via YO3JW
Gradistea Muncelului Cioclovina National Park YOFF-016 (10-PM-11 August 2010) QSL via YO3JW
Buila Vanturarita National Wild Park YOFF-001 (9-10-AM, 15-16 August 2009) QSL via YO3JW
Retezat National Wild Park YOFF-011 (12-13 August 2010) QSL via YO3JW
High Mures Gorges Natural Wild Park YOFF-026 (6-8 August 2010) QSL via YO6EZ
Braila's Balta Mica Natural Wild Park YOFF-017 (25 July - 1 August 2010)QSL via YO3JW Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation YOFF-021 (23-25, 27-29 June 2010) QSL via YO3JW Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation YOFF-021 (23-29 June 2010) QSL via YO3JW
Bucegi Mountains National Wild Park YOFF-015 (12-13 June 2010) QSL via YO9WF
Jiu's Gorges National Wild Park YOFF-007 (29-30 May 2010) QSL via YO7KFX
Natural Park of the Lower Prut Flood Plain YOFF-025 (27-28 May 2010) QSL via YO3JW Piatra Craiului National Wild Park YOFF-010 (27th of march 2010 -CQ WPX SSB) QSL via YO3JW Piatra Craiului National Wild Park YOFF-010 (27th of march 2010 -CQ WPX SSB) QSL via YO3JW Piatra Craiului National Wild Park YOFF-010 (7-9th of may 2010) QSL via YO3JW
Muntii Apuseni National Park YOFF-020 (16-18th of April 2010) QSL via YO5OED
Cheile Bicazului-Hasmas National Park YOFF-004 (19-21st of March 2010) QSL via YO6EZ Portile de Fier Natural Park YOFF-014 (29-31st of January 2010) QSL via YO3JW. ************************************************************************************
2009 Cozia National Wild Park YOFF-006 (1-3 May 2009) QSL via YO7GNL
Bucegi Mountains National Wild Park YOFF-015 (13-14 June 2009) QSL via YO9WF Comana National Wild Park YOFF-022 (2 July 2009) QSL via YO3JW
Jiu's Gorges National Wild Park YOFF-007 (30 July 2009) QSL via YO3JW Braila's Balta Mica National Wild Park YOFF-017 (17-19 August 2009) QSL via YO3JW Macin Mountains National Wild Park YOFF-009 (20-22-AM August 2009) QSL via YO3JW Danube Delta Bio Reservation YOFF-021 (22-PM-23 August 2009) QSL via YO3JW Buila Vanturarita National Wild Park YOFF-001 (28-30 August 2009) QSL via YO7HUZ Piatra Craiului National Wild Park YOFF-010 (15-16 October 2009) QSL via YO3JW Putna-Vrancea Wild Park YOFF-024 (10-13 November 2009) QSL via YO3JW
Comana National Wild Park YOFF-022 (20-31st of December 2009) QSL via YO3JW Bucegi Mountains National Wild Park YOFF-015 (24-27th of December 2009) QSL via YO9WFQSL as instructed in QSO; usually QSLing via bureau is OK.
73! YO3JW
PLEASE send one QSL for each operation. Don't use multiple QSO style card for different YOFF on same card. There is different managers!
You can check for your QSO and take down QSL in electronically form after 01.01.2011 at
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-416 in 22 December 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-503 in 21 December 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-210 in 20 December 2014 PM>>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-133 in 20 December 2014 AM >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-406 in 11-12 December 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-596 in 28, 30 September, 13-15 December 2014 >>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-503 in 31 July 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-021 in 17-20 July 2014 >>>>>gt;> YO3LW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-148 in 28 June 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-164 in 28 June 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-021 in 26-27 June 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-248 in 18 May, 04 April 2014, 03 August 2014 >>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-416 in 18 April 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-440 in 25 April 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-292 in 18 January 2014 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-015 in 24-25, 31 December 2013, 1 January 2014 >>>>>>> YO9WF
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-139 in 17 December 2013 afternoon >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-143 in 17 December 2013 morning >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-535 in 12 December 2013 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-503 in 18 Novenber 2013 >>>>YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-248 in 09 Novenber 2013 >>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-555 in 10 October 2013 >>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-503 in 15 July 2013 >>>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-232 in 20 June 2013 >>>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-015 in 08 June 2013 >>>>>>>>> YO9WF
YP1WFF/m was QRV from YOFF-529 in 01 June 2013 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-313 in 31 May - 02 June 2013 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-133 in 20 May 2013 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-503 in 18 April 2013 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-248 in 07 March 2013 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-382 in 31 December 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-556 in 31 December 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-314 in 30,31 December 2012, 1 January 2013 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-551 in 29 December 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-485 in 19, 30 November 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-248 in 01 November 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-121 in 21 October 2012 >>>>>>> YO6CUF
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-513 in 17 October 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-248 in 25 September 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-022 in 10 August 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-248 in 3-4 August 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-416 in 14 July 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-013 in 6-8 July 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-503 in 1 July 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-015 in 9 June 2012 >>>>>> YO9WF
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-111 in 28 April 2011 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-248 in 14 April 2012 >>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-210 in 23 March 2012 >>>>>>> YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-015 in 19 Mrach 2012 >>>>>>>> YO9WF
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-291 in 25 - 31 december 2011 via YO9WF
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-248 in 18 december 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-316 in 26 october am 2011 via YO3JWYP1WFF/P was QRV from YOFF-127 in 12 October 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-007 in 25 sepetmber 2011 via YO7KFX
YP1WFF/P was QRV from YOFF-248 in 11 September 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-313 in 18 August afternoon - 19 august 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-417 in 18 August 2011 morning via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-193 in 17 August 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-020 in 15-16 August 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-445 in 13 August 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-228 in 11 August 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-172 in 04 August 2011 via YO3JWYP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-174 afternoon 02 august 2011 via; YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-022 morning hours 02 August 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-323 morning hours 14 July 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-294 afternoon hours 14 July 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-210 9 july 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV from YOFF-013 1-3 July 2011 viaYO3JW
YP1WFF/p was QRV from YOFF-406 23 June 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF was QRV in Green Day 2011 from YOFF-172 in 11-12 June 2011 viaYO9WF
YP1WFF/p YOFF-440 was QRV 21-22, 29 may 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/m YOFF-240 was QRV 13-15 may 2011 via YO5GHA
YP1WFF/p YOFF-416 was QRV 6-7, 14 may 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p YOFF-133 was QRV 2, 23 may 2011 via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p YOFF-420 was QRV 29-30 April 2011 via YO7MGG
YP1WFF/m YOFF-393 was QRV 30 April-1 May 2011 via YO5GHA
YP1WFF YOFF-007 was QRV 1 May 2011 via YO7KFX
YP1WFF YOFF-338 was QRV 15-17.04.2011 ;QSL via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p YOFF-231 was QRV 09.04.2011 ;QSL via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p YOFF-320 was QRV 05.03.2011 ;QSL via YO3JW YP1WFF/p YOFF-210 was qrv 17.01,2011, 14.03.2011 QSL via YO3JW
YP1WFF/p YOFF-248 was qrv 16.01.2011, 13.02.2011, 13.03.2011, 23-24.04.2011 QSL via YO3JW
Bucegi Mountains National Wild Park YOFF-015 (25 12 2010- 02 01 2011) QSL via YO9WF
Domogled- Valea Cernei National Wild Park YOFF-008 (14 of November 2010) QSL via YO7KFX
Comana National Wild Park YOFF-022 (10 of November 2010) QSL via YO3JW
Ceahlau National Wild Park YOFF-003 (5-8-AM September 2010) QSL via YO3JW
Vanatori Neamt Natural Wild Park YOFF-018 (8-PM-11 September 2010) QSL via YO3JW
Gradistea Muncelului Cioclovina National Park YOFF-016 (10-PM-11 August 2010) QSL via YO3JW
Buila Vanturarita National Wild Park YOFF-001 (9-10-AM, 15-16 August 2009) QSL via YO3JW
Retezat National Wild Park YOFF-011 (12-13 August 2010) QSL via YO3JW
High Mures Gorges Natural Wild Park YOFF-026 (6-8 August 2010) QSL via YO6EZ
Braila's Balta Mica Natural Wild Park YOFF-017 (25 July - 1 August 2010)QSL via YO3JW Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation YOFF-021 (23-25, 27-29 June 2010) QSL via YO3JW Danube Delta Biosphere Reservation YOFF-021 (23-29 June 2010) QSL via YO3JW
Bucegi Mountains National Wild Park YOFF-015 (12-13 June 2010) QSL via YO9WF
Jiu's Gorges National Wild Park YOFF-007 (29-30 May 2010) QSL via YO7KFX
Natural Park of the Lower Prut Flood Plain YOFF-025 (27-28 May 2010) QSL via YO3JW Piatra Craiului National Wild Park YOFF-010 (27th of march 2010 -CQ WPX SSB) QSL via YO3JW Piatra Craiului National Wild Park YOFF-010 (27th of march 2010 -CQ WPX SSB) QSL via YO3JW Piatra Craiului National Wild Park YOFF-010 (7-9th of may 2010) QSL via YO3JW
Muntii Apuseni National Park YOFF-020 (16-18th of April 2010) QSL via YO5OED
Cheile Bicazului-Hasmas National Park YOFF-004 (19-21st of March 2010) QSL via YO6EZ Portile de Fier Natural Park YOFF-014 (29-31st of January 2010) QSL via YO3JW. ************************************************************************************
2009 Cozia National Wild Park YOFF-006 (1-3 May 2009) QSL via YO7GNL
Bucegi Mountains National Wild Park YOFF-015 (13-14 June 2009) QSL via YO9WF Comana National Wild Park YOFF-022 (2 July 2009) QSL via YO3JW
Jiu's Gorges National Wild Park YOFF-007 (30 July 2009) QSL via YO3JW Braila's Balta Mica National Wild Park YOFF-017 (17-19 August 2009) QSL via YO3JW Macin Mountains National Wild Park YOFF-009 (20-22-AM August 2009) QSL via YO3JW Danube Delta Bio Reservation YOFF-021 (22-PM-23 August 2009) QSL via YO3JW Buila Vanturarita National Wild Park YOFF-001 (28-30 August 2009) QSL via YO7HUZ Piatra Craiului National Wild Park YOFF-010 (15-16 October 2009) QSL via YO3JW Putna-Vrancea Wild Park YOFF-024 (10-13 November 2009) QSL via YO3JW
Comana National Wild Park YOFF-022 (20-31st of December 2009) QSL via YO3JW Bucegi Mountains National Wild Park YOFF-015 (24-27th of December 2009) QSL via YO9WFQSL as instructed in QSO; usually QSLing via bureau is OK.
73! YO3JW
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